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About Moments

Be Brilliant Society (BBSO) has taken a journey over the years into what you currently see before you.  This was my brainchild back in 2012 and just like any new idea, it has floundered to find its footing!  It was just a concept that I talked about in very general terms, "I am thinking about starting a business....." and as the conversations turned inward to how I was really going to 'Put up or Shut up', it grew aggressively through 'in the face' kinda Moments. And then it became about calm, energy, self love and awareness of what we project out into the world around us.


But the realization I came to was this is just one facet, of a facet, of a Universe of who I am and who you all are or may be. What was it that I truly wanted to share in the Moments of these 'things' I create?


  • I wanted it to be a journey of discovery. 

  • For you to discover your own Moments.

  • I wanted to share my life passions with others and say, "These are the Moments we live for and these become are our Legacies."


So what is BBSO Moments?

Well, some might call them Talismans or gifts.  Others might identify them as worry stones, tokens or good luck charms.  Whatever it is......that is BBSO Moments.  I create my works of art and over time they become yours.


Intrigued?  Then, go find your perfect Moments, sign up for our emails. Like/Snap/Tweet/Gram it.....shoot, put some more butter and sugar on it!  Whatever you're into, cuz darlin's we ain't getting out of this without Livin' and Dyin'.  So you might as well start Living!

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