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My Story

Well, it's complicated really!  The world I was born into was unnecessarily complicated and complex and I struggle with aspects of it to this day.  I grew up in Northern Utah and as a kid I had free reign to explore my Universe when I was not tied to the social and demanding expectancies that came with the rest of Life. 


Spectating a whole city of life that thrives under your feet, to exploration of mountains, water ways and species beyond human-kind and all the way to cloud watching opportunities of above (is that a mystical creature with a bow shooting and arrow at that innocent cloud dog?) .  As a child there were difficulties in processing the dynamics and immensity of all of that, but as I look back, most of those times are fond and serve me better with the level of understanding that I have created when speaking about my Universe, my Moments, my Life and my Legacies!


Talismans are nothing to be feared as they have been used for centuries and among several different cultures.  Asian, Native American, Indigenous, Nordic, Pagan, Irish, Etc. all have their own special form.  They have been used as gifts, to heal, to ward off evil spirits, to assist with appreciations in life, as money or even protection.  All Be Brilliant Society Moments Talismans are meant to bring good and light and love into our Universe.  Many of the Talismans use precious stones and natural materials to encapsulate  and promote the Elements within.


I have always been drawn to creation, imagination, fantasy, nature, talismans, and the Universe beyond our Blue Sphere.

  • "There are 400 billion stars out there, just in our galaxy alone. If just one out of a million of those had planets, and just one in a million of those had life, and just one out of a million of those had intelligent life, there would be literally millions of civilizations out there.” -Jodie Foster (as Eleanor Arroway in Contact)


When you think of Life and Moments in these terms, there is a natural shift that takes place and in my case, I went kicking and screaming (still do) happens, but I've discovered that all is required of you, is to 'Let Go'!  Easier said than done, right?  We are perfectly imperfect creatures and being honest, apologetic and creating the best facets of ourselves is worth every Moment!


-  Dana Rain                 


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