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Preisplan wählen

  • 3 Session Pack - Tarot Reading45

    Using Norse Tarot and a Pendulum
    Gültig für 30 Tage
    • Includes a 45 minute Reading per session
    • Appt. Required
  • 3 Session Pack - Tarot Reading60

    Using Norse Tarot and a Pendulum
    Gültig für 60 Tage
    • Includes a 60 min Reading per session
    • Appt. Required
  • 3 Session Pack - Yoga

    Gentle Yoga
    Gültig für 6 Monate
    • Includes an hour of Yoga per session
    • Appt. Required
  • 3 Session Pack - Mindfulness Discussions

    Mindfulness discussions scheduled at your pace
    Gültig für 6 Monate
    • Includes an hour Mindfulness Discussion per session
    • Appt. Required
  • 3 Session Pack - Meditation Sessions

    Meditation at your own pace
    Gültig für 6 Monate
    • Includes an hour Meditation per session
    • Appt. Required

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