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A Small History of BBSO Moments Talismans

I know....I know....history is boring! But actually it really isn't because it tells you the story of why you are right where you are this present day. It can help people open doors and answer questions they may not have known they wanted in the first place. Those are the hard and painful parts of history....they happen and for some people the bad parts of history last throughout their lives or are carried like a invisible stone set right behind their heart. It aches there sometimes and maybe even a lot of times. For me that feeling is my drive....I will not allow what bad parts of my life happened to control my future. I can tell you that the fight is worth it because just before posting this, I was looking out my bedroom window to our treeline, to the big tree in the back to sit under to have a picnic or lay out a blanket and read a book, maybe even cloud watch with tears. I am grateful for everything that I have right now....a lot of times I never thought I would make it out. We torture ourselves sometimes as humans, that ugly and uncomfortable inner voice that is no advocate of who we are. Sometimes the torture comes from another human or an impactful Moment that completely changed the course of where you thought your life was going. A divide in the road.....some decisions are made for you and some you have to make in these Moments. I think I have finally concluded that if we erase the one is 'right' and one is 'wrong' mentality and just say that they are choices and they are balanced and equal whatever you decide to choose or has been chosen, then maybe that part of the decision (let's say 50% for arguments sake) has a decent amount of weight to it. So whats the other 50%? Well, you could slice it up into any amount you like, or keep it half. I think the other 50% is your gut.....that feeling that you get right around your stomach area. For me it is right above my navel and it too aches like the stone behind the heart. But it feels.....different. It's almost like it actually reminds me of how a dog will give a low whine when it's begging for food from it's ever obliging owner. It can even take on a immense sadness and pain that I discovered for myself mainly revolves around death. Please don't die.....please let me just whither away and die, I can't take any more. Its a pleading..... and you are just begging for a choice. And most of the times, we don't act on the please let me die part as humans, and sometimes we do. This is part of the power struggle: Head, Heart, Gut!

Alright, circling back to the original reason for this post, the history of BBSO Moments Talismans. I know your asking yourself (if you've done any poking around the site) why am I seeing references to Bitch Bracelet Society when this site sells Talismans? And you would be right, I am currently not selling bracelets (unless you hit me up for an idea of one you want). The second part of this is you are probably wondering why the word 'Bitch". This one is a little more complex to answer, because you see we have demonized this single word. Remember the history lesson up on the first paragraph? The 50%......the balance. So, when I came up with this concept I was using the positive side of the word.....yes it does exist! The light part of Bitch....the one that doesn't get censored by using a certain know who you are. It means empowerment and strength. It plays a part in the hard side of things I described above. The part that refuses to give up, to fight for what they believe in and not be degraded for, because whoever is doing the degrading has chosen this particular thing to skew out of the proportions of realizing that we are all humans. We need to stop pushing our influence so far past 50%. 50% is generous and that is the centered and balanced way. We need to start focusing on loving the world around us in the present state of where your feet are currently planted on this Earth! The Universe opens up 100% and you get to see the whole picture......the hard part of that is watching the rest of the humans out there that believe all that I am writing is a bunch of crap. And you are entitled to believe that. All I am proposing is that the world.....our world where we live and breathe, take kids to school, do all the kinky stuff that dog. Except this one is the one that has cruelly been beaten by its cowers in the corner and when approached either snarls or pees itself. Either way, it is suffering....please stop hurting me.

This is where the concept started shifting for me for where to take my business. So, I rebranded to BBSO Moments. I am very much into Eastern culture and their way of herbal remedies and the like. I also enjoy reading through what the indigenous people used.....that damn history again. I don't want it to get we carry it forward to our Legacies. I have remedies that I learned from my grandmothers. Simple people, hard working.......and they know how to cure things and its not one of those pills they push at the doctors office that gives you additional side effects. I enjoy yoga and meditation.....earthing....tarot.....etc.....etc....etc. I spent the majority of my days as a kid outside. Part of the latch key kids, alone with no adult supervision for hours. Never really understood the key part because I lived in a neighborhood where the front door was rarely locked except when it started getting dark or headed to bed. I spent my days climbing hilltops, being scared by snakes, laying in a canopy of trees and watching the city of life under our feet go about its business (bug central....oh there goes a centi-bus). Cloud watching was my thing for a long time. I was absolutely adamant that I could fly as a child. As I slept, I would fly around the universe....I still remember a few of those dreams. They were impactful as a kid and I had the misfortune of telling some of my classmates that I could indeed fly......non believers haha! What I am getting at is I had and have a very overactive brain (imagination). I would sit for hours, days, months in my room as well doing art project type things......which lead me into being an abstract expressionism artist. Basically, I leave it up to the viewer to decipher that they are is not a red barn painted in a field unless that's what you want it to be. BBSO Moments blends into all of this and it makes sense for me to create these Talismans. I am excited by the prospect of making something for someone and the moment they see it they know it in their Head, Heart, Gut that it now belongs as a piece of them. And being able to see humans giving these to the humans important and impactful in there lives, I am honoring the past and our future. But there is also dark sides and hard/painful sides to my childhood, teenhood, adulthood. I dreaded going back home when I knew my parents were going to be home from work or whatever it is they did to fill their days. Abuse comes in many different forms, ignoring is just one small exchange of many I have experienced from people I thought were supposed to do certain things and act certain ways. I was wrong most of the time and at one point believed that the only thing I was good for was to be abused and worthless. Once I was able to pull away from all of those people ( I use the word people here because I have a hard time calling them human in the sense that I have been using human throughout this blog) in my lives, I chose to carry their torch of revered loathing of all things Dana. I'm done carrying it any further. Once you've been alone with yourself and you truly square up and face yourself head on, the battle begins and all you had to do was give yourself balance. Find something to hold onto.....for me that is my Talismans and the change I could possibly make in this world with spreading the amazing part that I am, out in to the Universe. I get to share with you my history and tell you that our future looks spectacular!! You are the drop in the world that can make ripples throughout the universe.

I am in no way saying that Moments were not important if let's say, they were really the shootings/killings/death that the media likes to smear all over the screens. And the people involved in these tragedies are humans and it all comes down to balance whether it's a shooting or yoga pose or that gigantic dessert you just snarfed down like an animal...licking your fingers. Balance is all I can hope for. And that might mean I need to take it in seconds, or days or years at a time. I will say, that if another human being is hurting you (physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, etc) get out. It might take years....but you will find your way. Just gotta be the Light Bitch and decide that you are worth it. Listen to your gut. And for those of you that are listening to that ugly part of yourself.....know that I understand and am out here trying to live my best life for myself and you have a place here to reach out to if you need to. Namaste.

- Dana Rain


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