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BBSO and social media

We like our cake and eating it too as the saying goes. But what if you're not really fond of social media (I mean cake....)? I get the interaction that takes place but a lot of times it seems like a sea of empty calories. I mean if you're going to eat cake..... Let's eat CAKE! You know the kind you like..... the ones you've had dreams over eating. The ones you hear people say I could bathe in this stuff it's so good! As a small, local business I understand that I have to push through all the fake news and post so I don't get buried under whatever is trending for this second in time. But I also struggle with the substance that it is injecting into the universe as well. I think that's why I am drawn to my blog. For me, I think humans should get back to what social even means..... post pandemic or not. I think the pandemic itself set a precidence of things that really matter.

There is a connection that is being lost because of technology. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be writing this blog right now without it. And BBSO is also on Facebook and Instagram, but think about when humans gather together face to face (yeah I know there's some you'd rather avoid). I'm talking about humans who made a conscious effort to come together with the knowledge that they want to be a part of it. Think about the stories that are shared and the gifts, tokens and Talismans that are exchanged along with the intentions and hopes that are carried from one human to another.

For the longest time, I never knew why I would get an orange in my stocking at Christmas until as an adult, I sat down with my grandmother and we talked. She told me about when she was a kid growing up on a farm and how things were simpler, different and most times hard to get by. Especially with a lot of siblings and the 1920's. Her uncle came up from California to visit and brought oranges for them, which was such a treat in the winter time where they lived. I have never looked at an orange the same since her story. But had I not taken the time to have that conversation with her, things would be different for me and I'd always wonder about the damn oranges in the stocking riddle!

Take more Moments to wander around in nature. Go outside, close your eyes, lift your face up to the sunshine and feel the warmth on your skin. Run outside and splash around in the rain puddles! Use meditation and mindfulness to recharge your batteries. We are always cognizant of plugging in our phone to charge, but you really have to stop and listen to your body more. Unfortunately we humans don't come with a battery indicator! But the signs are there if you're still enough to listen and feel.

I am a very visual and tactile person so it is natural that I am led down this path to create my Moments Talismans. There's something about rolling them around and running my fingers over the surfaces. When I am making new pieces, I discover new ways to look at and through it. I will see things I didn't notice. I think this also helps in the broader sense that I can take this into other facets of my life. What's a new way you can look at your job, your friends and family, your fur babies and yourself? What connections with the universe are you lacking or needing support and strength from? These are why I create my Talismans with the specific flowers, herbs and precious stones. I believe there is more 'social media' contained within these elements than the ones that have been synthesized for us. Please feel free to reach out with any curiosities or questions you might have. I always enjoy meaningful conversations with humans, especially if there's a lot of questions surrounding the what ifs and universes of life! Let's go eat some CAKE!!




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