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Home is an interesting word. I think habitat for humanity has an interesting article on this: . What does HOME bring up for you? For me I'm my current state it means being anxious to arrive at the place where I can relax and be myself. Where I can hang out with the doggo and my love. Where I can create my Talismans and get lost in my artwork. It's a safe place, a place I am growing comfortable with.

The majority of my life has grown out of chaos, as I've expressed in previous blogs. It's hard to relax when you don't know what's coming through the door at you. You're in a constant state of preparation with no way of truly preparing. It requires becoming a phantom in a lot of ways and getting lost and losing yourself. Because you're trying to judge the people around you and assess whether things are going to go badly. Where you just want to run and hide but unfortunately you can't physically. So mentally and emotionally, you slowly break down until you don't even resemble the person you were going to become.

If you've had the opportunity to have a place called Home that more aligns with the article above, embrace that! Share it with the people around you, because this world needs more....of.... That! I am so thankful to be where I am in my life now, and share what I've been through. When we share the not so great things, it sheds light on what needs to change and not be secrets within family and friends units.

Even though my flight Home today is delayed....I know I will get there eventually. And having that feeling inside that you're looking forward to it, it means a lot! Hope you all enjoy your weekend and whether your looking forward to being Home or figuring out that something needs to change for that feeling to be inside you, know I am here, and I understand. Namaste!


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