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Happy Vernal Equinox

Hello to you all! I know I have been MIA for a stint from blogging, but with some things in life..... It is necessary. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, balance is key.

But what happens if you're struggling to find balance? Most times it probably falls into the category of you are fighting against it..... At least that's what it seems to be for me. And in most cases that means I'm not really fighting but flighting. Running away from the realities is human nature....I mean look at all of the virtual things we consume daily that are not part of our real day to day activities.

I'm struggling daily out in the real world trying to ignore the cruelties that infiltrate lives of humans. I don't seek out watching the news or other forms of information aligned with news topics because the reality is they are mostly based off of negativity and trust me, I've had my fill of negative consumption in my life. With this blog and with my Talismans, I am trying to spread light and love in the world. I don't want to spread any more negativity onto this Earth! My hope is that I am reaching others who feel the same or can be persuaded to come to the light side of life! Namaste and Happy Spring!


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