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Moments To Believe In

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So I talk a lot about Moments....because there are some Moments that are hard to let go of in our lives. I have been away my beautiful human friends because I too need the Moments to step away. Not to stop my creation but maybe it's more of it's so hard to create when you feel less than. There are parts of at certain times that think I am absolutely amazing and then......the past of my life slips in and I falter. I second guess my abilities, my choices, my current life and I spiral. All because some how it is easier to believe all of those things and people from the past are right and I am just pretending or kidding myself that I can be so much beyond myself.

I needed a break to figure things out and I'm still figuring them out with the help of a professional as well as the people and family in my life that I realize are my reason for living and loving this world that we live in. I have never been good at expressing myself and a lot of times I feel like when I do, I over express and it comes off weird and ungenuine. But, I can only be who I am and I need to stop beating myself up for that. I came into this world as unwanted.....that's a reality I am facing. The worst part is that I have been carrying that through the majority of my living life. I struggle with telling myself that I am important and that I love myself. Let me tell you dear friends, that this is no way to is hard enough with all of the outside pressures and then when you add in the internal, it is beyond manageable.

I am tired of the facade that we put on and place within our society that everyone has to be happy and smiling all of the time. I have believed for a very long time that masking was a crutch, but I am now realizing that it is a super power. But with that being said, it does not mean that I want to use it any more.

I am an artist through and through and as such I must create. But ask any artist if they want to create to please the masses and ultimately the answer should be a no. The creating allows an artist to give away the pieces of themselves. The creations are amazing and sometimes as artist we forget that. We get glimpses once in a! I created that?! But ultimately I believe that as I create, I am sending out intentions to the world. Good intentions to make things balanced and not necessarily right, but even. There's a lot of bad in this world and that cannot be denied, but I want the good to shine through. I have finally found what speaks to me and that is in the Talismans and Moments that I am creating. You have no idea how amazing it is for me when someone purchases my creations. I am more happy for them than myself because I see on their faces the happiness that they are reflecting when they look at my is something that is invaluable. It is beyond the monetary payment that I receive for the Talismans and that is why I have chosen to keep my pricing the same for anything that I make. I know as my business grows, I will not actually see you dear friend, but I hope that when you open your one of a kind Talisman, you have the radiating smile and intention of what I hope you gain from having it.

I thank you for reading and inquiring and believing! Namaste.

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