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Website and Social Media Platforms Updates

Both big and small changes happening with BBSO Moments website and social media sites! A lot of behinds the scenes SEO work for all the hungry little spider, crawler bots to snack on! Slowly but surely, things are really falling into place and it's so satisfying to think that this is really happening. Sure, I have been dragging my feet for several years even thinking about this as a business and I think a lot of that had to do with my fear of 'what if it fails' syndrome. The reality of it all is if I didn't try, then I have already failed the concept I am trying to bring forth. I will tell you, that I am excited about this new shift that BBSO Moments is taking and how the Talismans are all aligning into what I really wanted to create in this world and for you! I know for now it is putting aside the original concept of this being something wearable, but I see it flourishing into so much more than just another bracelet company. Talismans are more aligned with the very original concepts and presentation of elements that even I realized at first. But, I also know that someone out there might just want a Talisman bracelet or necklace and that is why I am open to creating special orders for those interested!


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